Sunday, September 20, 2009

The responsibility in social networking.

There are many ways for the youth of our world to expose themselves. With the introduction of social networking it has become all too easy. Myspace and facebook allow people of all ages to post information and pictures of themselves and too access others information. These websites describe themselves as a way to stay in touch, unfortunately some people may be using these websites for other purposes. The debate is over who's responsibility it is to stop these people who are using the websites for less than honorable purposes.

In the article, "MySpace and Sex Offenders: What's the Problem?", the author states that Myspace is making it too easy for sex offenders to pray on children and that they should do more to prevent it. It states that Myspace is being reckless in protecting and preserving our children's privacy. While arguing the other point "MySpace Not Responsible for Predators", states that the users are responsible for what they post not the website. "MySpace Not Responsible for Predators", argues that most users are aware of what they are posting and that anyone can access it.

In my personal opinion it is not the websites to blame. Although they should do more to ensure that not just anyone can find a way to somehow access a young child's information, it is the user to blame. In most of the user agreements it states pretty clearly that these are public sites and that the public has access to it. If you want to post images of yourself then post them but do not be surprised or act innocent if there are repercussions. The social networking sites do what they can to limit who can see what, but every time they do the users complain. When facebook was college I.D. only other college age kids got angry, when Myspace went to friends only, users threatened to boycott using their site. It is the users that limit what the social networking sites can do, and it is the users that decide what to post.

My family life is what has most influenced my opinion on this matter. I have a younger sister and try to stay very aware of how she "markets" herself. If I found out that she was putting pictures up of herself that others could pray on I would be disappointed in her not the website. I use most of these sites and I see how easy it would be for a predator to use them towards their advantage, but I also see how easy it is to keep them from being able to use your personal page. Either way you look at it YOU are responsible for what YOU post, the website does not force you to use their website.

With all the new technology in our world we need to be smarter about how we use it. We need to educate the children in our country how dangerous it could be and how to use it properly. Websites such as Myspace and facebook are on the front lines of the debate on social networking, but the simple matter is they are here to provide a service, a service you do not have to use. The user is responsible for their own safety, though the websites should do everything they can to work with the users to make that easier.


  1. You bring up a good point, the user agreement on all these social networks is pretty simple yet no one really reads it. Another valid point you bring up is the fact that the users steer what the site does. A lot of users see safety measures as hassles and do not want to be bothered with them. So they complain and threaten to leave if the site puts them in place. Either way the site is concerned security is never enough to satisfy everyone.

  2. everyone needs to be responsible for their own actions. When someone makes a mistake, they shouldn't point fingers at everyone else. Take responsibility for your actions.

  3. While i agree on your essay, users of social networking site ends up causing limits and rules to be reinforced because of the misconduct of people. however i don't understand the sentence which says facebook was college i.d. im guessing it means only college students would use it? then WHY would they become angry. also you mentioned myspace does to friends only, do you mean that strangers put there profile to private? I see nothing wrong with doing that. Good essay though.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. daniel to answer your question yes facebook used to be college students only. and users complained that they could not talk to all of their friends. And when I say myspace went to friends only i mean that users could only view the profiles of their friends and no longer any profile. Many users boycotted myspace because of that. I was arguing the point that how could any site impose security measures when users riot when they try.

  6. Hey Kyle,
    you bring up a really good point. It's the User's responsibility to determine what info they post on their web page(s) not the website itself. I agree also with your point about how we need to be smarter about how we use social networking sites too.
