Friday, September 11, 2009

"Live On The Positive"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be, Live On The positive. It is a motto that I try to model my life after. I like to think that I am a very care free and fun individual. Live On The Positive, means having fun and finding good in every situation, regardless of how bad it might seem. There are many negatives in the world around us, all of which can make it hard to stay positive.

When one of my good friends was killed in a fire we started a charity foundation in her honor. It is called "Live On The Positive." We raise money for underprivileged kids so they may play sports, and purchase supplies for other hobbies. Her name was Christine Renee Maire and she was one of the most joyous and caring people I have ever met. She was very artistic and was planning on graduating with a degree in graphic design. She often used her own paycheck to buy kids supplies for art. So naturally it was a no brainer when we were trying to think of this charity.

Live On The Positive, is simply not letting anything bring you down. It is always looking for adventure and fun while helping yourself and others. If we can all try to "Live On The Positive," the world would be much more stress free.


  1. I agree, if the world were to try to be less stressed and hurried, then it would become a better place for all.

  2. I agree and think is awesome you created a fund in your friends honor to make a positive out of a negative event.

  3. Hi Kyle,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I think it is great that you guys started a charity in her honor. The world really would be stress free if everyone went by this motto.

  4. Optimism is always a key factor people need in life nice bumper sticker.

  5. I think it's great that you do something to remember her by! And I like your motto!

  6. I agree with your motto, especially since it is something me and my boyfriend had to live by after his car accident and they said he wouldn't walk again. He lost almost half of his organs, and messed up both ankles. It is a miracle that he is still alive since he was dead on the scene and revived. It has been 7 months since the accident, and he still has a lot of trouble walking and will never be able to do some of the stuff he use to love to do, such as ride roller coasters or play soccer, but he is always living life on the positive, no matter what happens.

  7. Christine sounds like a generous person, giving selflessly and was a joyful, positive person. people should "live on the positive"

  8. I'm sorry about your friend. This sounds like a good way to remember her.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Being optimistic can take you far in life.

  11. Hi Kyle,
    I am sorry for your loss. I can tell that you have learned a valuable lesson from your friend and applied it in a very great way in her honor.
    Many things in life are very difficult to face, we try to find good in everything but many times we forget and get caught up in our grief. I am glad you have learned this lesson!
    If you get a chance you should put a link on this blog to the charity created in your friend's honor.

  12. I am sorry for your loss. It is great that you made the charity in her honor. It seems like she definetely had "Lived on the Positive"

  13. Sorry about your loss.It's good to be optimistic

  14. I like your philosophy, life is no fun if you're always worried, sad or just down. I also like your pictures haha!

  15. I am sorry about your friend. It is great though that you have made a charity foundation in her honor. Looking on the bright side is always the best option.

  16. It is very important to maintain a positive outlook in life. The work your doing will halp to change the world.
