Sunday, September 27, 2009

Redskins... Insulting or Tradition?

This is a symbol that many of us in the Washington D.C. area see all the time. After all it is just a team name that is almost eighty years old. The Washington Redskins first got their name back in 1932. It was originally in honor of their first head coach who was part Native-American. At that time our country was not very politically correct. I chose this image since I am a die-hard 'skins fan, and I am interested in the on going battle over the name.

Now days many people find this name very offensive, it is a direct slur at Native-Americans. The team has been brought to court nearly a dozen times in an effort to get them to change the name. It is due in court once again at the end of October.

I understand why this name is offensive and would understand if the team was forced to change it. As a fan I have grown up with the name and grown up loving the team with that name. So it is very hard to conceive parting with it, even though I believe Native-Americans have more than the right to do so. I personally do not find it offensive, as it was originally named with good intentions. But if you look at it directly and purely as a word it is pretty outrageous. There are many other minorities and derogatory words that would never be allowed to be a team name; so why is this name still allowed. Maybe it is because it is steeped in tradition, or maybe the judge just does not see the controversy. Either way both sides need to sit down, look within themselves and decide how they personally feel, and fight for what they believe.


  1. Very interesting post. I am also a bit torn with this one... I know it is not meant to be offensive but the fact of the matter is that it is. I agree with what you are saying and i would also be sad to see the name change but I think it definately should, it's only fair.

  2. I agree that it is a controversial topic. If you have grown-up in DC like I have and remember well when they used to win games and even the Superbowl, you are endeared to the name. I think this also brings the topic of what people want to read into the name. I did not know that it was in honor of the first head coach, I always thought it was in honor of the Native-American influence in the Potomac basin. Things are offensive when you look at them that way. What about the New Zealand rugby team -All Blacks? I'm sure that if it were a team from the US that name would not be very well accepted.

  3. kyle,

    I definatly like your post. I am a Skins fan myself. My view on the whole changing the name thing is that it is a ridiculous idea, the team has forever been called the Redskins and it's orignial purpose was never to be offensive. It should not be changed.

  4. I like your post a lot Kyle, I too like the Redskins and I hope that when they go to trial that the case will be dropped because it's seems a bit foolish to be arguing over something like this. I mean, If I were Native American or even half, I would feel honored to have a football team named after my nationality. after all, Football is one of America's most popular sports.

  5. Unfortunately it's all about money. The boston braves became the boston redskins in 1933. Then in 1937 they moved and became the washington redskins. What i'm getting at is, for seventy years the name was never a problem. Once lawsuits became popular, and people started suing mcdonalds because the coffee was too hot, then all the sudden it became an issue.

  6. I totally agree with you im a diehard fan also. They were actually in boston called the braves and then switched to D.C. in 32. I think it would be so different with a new team name and it would almost make it hard to remember the old greats.

  7. sorry to say but I am a cowboys fan. but as to your blog, I agree with what you are saying. I can see the controversy on how native-americans want to change the name, but they should also see that it represents one of their own people who coached a major team. On the other hand, what's the point of repeatedly taking this to court to change a name of a football team? It is a waste of time and money. I mean what is this gonna solve in if native-americans win and the name is changed. It is not harming anyone physically, and should not harm anyone mentally, because it is representing them in a way. Some people must get so bored sometimes to come up with these lawsuits. It is just a name.

  8. I agree with the controversy over the name "Redskins". I personally do no think they should change the name for two reasons. Firstly, unless it is the Native Americans who are the ones saying that the name is wrong, then it should be fine. Also, we have come to recognize the name Redskins with pride. Therfore, it would almost be insulting to change it. I believe that the name was originally created with good intentions and has never become anything less. Not only will getting rid of the name Redskins change our feelings about the name, it will also get rid of one of the most widely known and respected symbols in which to remember the Native Americans by.

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